Mitchell WTP:
• This work was done at a working operational finished water treatment plant for the City of Greensboro.
• Work was coordinated between contactor, engineer, and city staff so that no citizens within this plants servicing area were never shutdown without clean water.
• All of this work had to be completed on an expedited schedule due to entering the summer high demand season for the water plant.
• All underground service piping including Raw water from city owned reservoirs to treated waterlines to finished waterlines leading to the city’s distribution system were replaced.
• There were no accurate as built drawings to work off of as this plant was 70+ years old and no one really knew where everything was. This is pertinent because many of the systems we had to remove and replace had to be explored and planned accordingly allowing for quick decisions to be made when existing circumstances did not match with what was planned on the engineered drawings.
• By installing new flowmeters that feed information to the cities flow models electrically driven motors now open and close as needed based off of flow schedules and flow rates making the system much more automated, controlled, and efficient than it ever was before.
• The MWBE requirements set forth by the COG in the bid phase were met and exceeded.
• Some pipes were installed at extreme depths up to 35 feet deep crossing at different angles making shoring extremely difficult.
Project Completed: