Savannah Hospital Facade Removal: St. Joseph Project

st josephs hospital

St. Joseph Hospital Facade Removal
Savannah, GA

Complete removal of the exterior facade, brick and precast, of a 7 story hospital through the mixed use of hammering, sawing, rigging, and scaffold lifts. The project was completed ahead of its aggressive schedule. Also included were highly-phased renovations to the patient rooms located throughout the hospital.

Rives E. Worrell

Project Summary:

Exterior facade removal from 7-story hospital.
• Utilized hammering, sawing, rigging and scaffold lifts to complete the exterior work.
• Facade removal completed ahead of schedule.
• Selective interior demolition on phased schedule completed in May 2015.

Project Completed:
Facade Removal Portion of Contract: July 2013 - Feb 2014

Interior Selective Demo:
April 2014 - May 2015