Ford Assembly Plant Demolition: D.H. GRIFFIN's Environmental Abatement and Demolition in Hapeville, GA

ford hapeville

Ford Assembly Plant Demolition
Hapeville, GA

D. H. Griffin Wrecking Co., completed the decommissioning and demolition of the Ford Assembly Plant in Hapeville, GA in August 2009. DHG was contracted by owner and developer Jacoby Development Inc. to dismantle and scrap equipment, provide environmental cleanup including asbestos abatement, and demolish this 2.6 million sf facility. Work included the scrap processing of equipment and buildings and also incorporated crushing and recycling concrete and block to backfill basements and equipment pits and as surface stabilization. Additional site restoration included permits in three separate jurisdictions, installation of several miles of site-fencing and other best management practices to stabilize and control surface water. Some equipment was salvaged for reuse and sold, including transformers, propane tanks, ASTs, powerhouse equipment and railroad equipment. DHG subcontracted approximately 15% of the total contract amount to a third party environmental company to provide asbestos and waste removal services. 2% MBE subcontractor participation in trucking. Work was completed in 18 months on time and without any lost time accidents.

Airport Station, LLC.
Jacoby Development Inc.

Project Summary:

Environmental abatement & demolition of 2,600,000 SF facility
• 186,000 tons crushed aggregate and metals recycled onsite.
• Work completed in 18 mos.
• Project was a positive cash flow to Owner based on scrap and salvage value.

Project Completed:
June 2008 - Aug 2009