Dan River Steam Station Demolition and Abatement Project in Eden, NC


Dan River Steam Station
Eden, NC

Abatement and demolition of a 340-MW power plant which includes coal-fired steam generating units and oil fired combustion turbine units and ancillary facilities. Work includes Boilers, CT Units, Turbines, Coal Yard Structures and Conveyor System, Selective Railroad Rail, Raw Water Storage Tank, Fuel Tank.

Duke Energy Corporation LLC

Project Summary:

Abatement of large power plant including boiler, duct and piping insulation; transite removal; roofing and caulking removal.
• Demolition of 340-MW facility and associated structures.
• Demolition of 500,000 gallon fuel oil tank.
• Tight environmental controls for work along the Dan River.

Project Schedule:
Sept 2013 - Jan 2016 (Ongoing)