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The D.H. Griffin Companies specialize in lead related projects including lead abatement and lead component removal through physical and mechanical means. Specialized training and medical surveillance, combined with engineering controls allows the D.H. Griffin Companies many times to avoid the costly and time consuming task of lead abatement by torch cutting or burning through lead based paint on structures. In many cases, specialized demolition equipment such as shears can be used to cut metal to reduce any potential exposures through torch cutting. These mechanical techniques also reduce the toxic waste generated from the abatement and waste collection process.
For sensitive projects requiring lead removal in Greensboro and surrounding areas, D.H. Griffin affiliate Demolition & Asbestos Removal Inc. (DARI) can provide trained and licensed personnel to perform lead abatement and removal. Whether it be chemical or mechanical removal, DARI has years of knowledge and experience from industrial or commercial work performed.
Whatever your type of lead related work, the D.H. Griffin Companies can help.
Please contact the DARI Location nearest you to discuss any project with lead based paint concerns.